TransAm Express
We’re excited to once again offer a tour on the TransAm Express route, a different take on a classic route that should entice anyone who enjoys riding trail systems. While some cyclists believe pedaling across the country self-supported is the only way to go, others say, “Haul all that gear? No way.” If you’re among the latter group, you can ride pannier-free on this adventure across the U.S.!
This tour will include the full length of the C&O Canal Trail, Great Allegheny Passage, and Katy Trail with over 500 miles of car-free cycling for a different experience from the original TransAmerica Trail. From Washington, DC, we’ll pedal westward across the C&O and GAP trails, and later we’ll hop on the Katy Trail across Missouri. After crossing the windswept plains of the Midwest, we’ll get on the original TransAm route in northern Colorado, following the mountains all the way to the Pacific. Make this your summer for the bicycle adventure of a lifetime!

“I don’t think anyone could have asked for a better group of fellow cyclists to ride with! Men, women, young, old, experienced and newbies.”