Adventure Cyclist

Scenes from the Saddle

My boss’s thick white mustache twitched nervously under fluorescent lights in the tiny office. Outside, the stars still shone bright in a navy blue sky of frozen predawn. I told ...
Jan 16th, 2023
Twelve years ago, I worked in a bike shop with all men and raced mountain bikes on a team with only three other females. My fellow women racers were wonderful ...
Dec 13th, 2022
Every year in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I waffle on whether to host a meal with friends or take off on an adventure. I’ve done both and enjoyed ...
Nov 10th, 2022
Despite the heat waves and wildfires smoldering across the country into September, fall is approaching. This past weekend, I found myself shocked to see strips of yellow and orange maple ...
Oct 10th, 2022
When I told my mom I was cycling across the U.S. at the age of 24 and that I planned to go solo, she started crying and then got a ...
Sep 12th, 2022
On September 8, 2020, I woke before dawn but sunrise never came. Instead, a curtain of scarlet bled across the sky from east to west, like a translucent cloth backlit ...
Aug 8th, 2022
Sunscreen drips into my eyes. I use my hand to wipe sweat from my brow and wipe my hand on already saturated shorts.  “I was thinking strawberry and vanilla. What ...
Jul 11th, 2022
“Well, now I can say I’ve done it,” he said as he squeezed out of the borrowed, narrow one-person tent. At age 63, it was my dad’s first time camping ...
Jun 10th, 2022
There are people who do their laundry a few hours before they remember they have a flight, and there are people who pack six days in advance. These two people ...
May 6th, 2022
When my trusty MSR Whisperlite International stove started sputtering in the high pampas of Ecuador, I stubbornly dug my heels in. I knew my stove so well that after years ...
Apr 8th, 2022