Posts Written By
Hollie Ernest
Hollie is a botanist, forester, cyclist and swimmer, currently traveling around the world by bicycle. Her other essays have appeared in North Coast Journal, Humboldt Insider, Adventure Cyclist online, Cleveland Review of Books, and Redwoods magazine. To get in touch about anything at all, you can find her on Instagram @hollie_holly.
Climate change is increasing North America’s dramatic wildfires each year, with apocalyptic smoke-darkened skies and scorched landscapes. In 2021, smoke from California wildfires reached as far as New York City, ...
Aug 29th, 2024
This is a ride report for the Short Route: Eureka, CA: Redwood Coast Loop while the author and her husband were developing the route. Sweat dripped down my nose and ...
Jul 2nd, 2024
“A white man eating nsima! Yeah! That’s good, that’s good!” the Zambian man shouted at us as he walked down the dusty road. My husband Tom and I were sitting ...
Nov 14th, 2023
“My shoulders are going to give out,” I thought as I wrestled my loaded bike over tan, fist-sized rocks up another steep slope. I reminded myself to engage my core ...
Aug 10th, 2023
When people ask me about cycling gear, I generally say that if I’m not thinking about it (brake levers, sleeping pad, etc.), then it’s working perfectly. I used to ride ...
Jun 2nd, 2023
Staring at the red dirt road stretching to the east, I suddenly realized the vast possibilities of traveling from one town to another off-road. It sank in, like scant rain ...
Feb 22nd, 2023
My boss’s thick white mustache twitched nervously under fluorescent lights in the tiny office. Outside, the stars still shone bright in a navy blue sky of frozen predawn. I told ...
Jan 16th, 2023
Twelve years ago, I worked in a bike shop with all men and raced mountain bikes on a team with only three other females. My fellow women racers were wonderful ...
Dec 13th, 2022
Every year in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I waffle on whether to host a meal with friends or take off on an adventure. I’ve done both and enjoyed ...
Nov 10th, 2022
Despite the heat waves and wildfires smoldering across the country into September, fall is approaching. This past weekend, I found myself shocked to see strips of yellow and orange maple ...
Oct 10th, 2022