Posts Written By
Roxy Robles
Roxy is a cyclist, urban planner, seamstress, and Filipinx food enthusiast living on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish (Seattle, Washington). She started bike touring in 2017 after realizing that bike touring was not that different than hauling 30 pounds of groceries up and down Seattle hills. She organizes with Friends on Bikes and volunteers with The Bikery & Outdoors for All. Roxy is passionate about supporting new cyclists and spreading her love of bikes and bike touring. Check out her website or purchase her e-book to start your cycling journey!
I like to think of myself as more of a punk than a gearhead type of cyclist. I am never interested in the newest, shiniest thing. I prefer waiting for ...
Sep 28th, 2022
What is gravel riding, and why is it so seductive? The bike industry loves using images of svelte cyclists plastered in mud in the middle of the woods. How did ...
Aug 31st, 2022