Posts Written By
Kyle Casement
Kyle is an advocate for bicycles as transportation and believes every car mile replaced with a bicycle mile is a pedal stroke in the right direction. Check out his YouTube channel, Kyle on Wheels, where he hopes to inspire others to incorporate cycling into their vacations and life in general, be it bike touring or otherwise.
One of my favorite hobbies outside of bicycle touring is beach volleyball. I’m not very good, but I do enjoy the time at the beach and with old and new ...
May 23rd, 2024
My first exposure to bike touring was Alastair Humphreys’ book, Moods of Future Joy. In it, he chronicles the first part of his four-year tour around the world, which was ...
Feb 6th, 2024
Fifty miles from home and twenty to the nearest bike shop, my friend got a flat tire. This wouldn’t have been such a big deal except he was relying on ...
Feb 6th, 2024
David, like me, grew up in car-centric cities, and the idea of pedaling a bicycle out into the woods and camping was almost as outlandish to him as it was ...
Oct 4th, 2022